Compare Yourself….
Look around at nature around us. The trees are working their best strengthening their roots and core, standing tall and strong with their luscious leaves. They do their part improving air quality; protecting animals from the heat; and helping reduce storm water run-off.
They don’t compare themselves to the mountains, which provide different weather pattern, as well as food and water supply. Nor they compare themselves to the lakes, which provide habitat to wildlife and other important ecosystem services. They all work together providing many benefits to the environments, animals and humans. Not to mention the astonishing beauty they create!
It is easy with the age of social media to compare ourselves to others. Everyone looks great, polished and happy. You may wonder why you are not as beautiful or as talented as everyone on the social media. You may feel that you don’t measure up.
Remember that each individual is created with unique talent and strength. All you need is to look within your true self to find and nurture that special gifts. Rather than comparing yourself to others and pull you down, let them inspire you to reach “your own” full potential.
This also pertains to parents who, consciously or subconsciously, compare their children to each other, their cousins or other children. The surefire way to put a wall in sibling and cousin relationships is to compare them to each other. Rather, accept and celebrate each child as unique and special individual; and help them realizing their talents and strengths.
Hills and Valleys
It is so much easier to walk on a flat land. But those journeys full of challenges are the ones strengthen and give us the opportunity to learn, grow, and touch other people’s life.